Do You Have
Property Loss From
related flooding?
Has your insurance company denied your claim?
If so, we believe we can help get the claim accepted and paid.
Wildfires in Arizona, including the recent Museum, Pipeline, Haywire, and Tunnel Fires, dramatically alter the natural flow of water, leaving the ground charred while destroying the vegetation that absorbs rainfall and reduces runoff. In areas that are severely burned, it can take years for trees and other vegetation to be restored to a level that reduces flood risks. Without such natural buffers, these areas are prone to dangerous mudslides and flooding, often resulting in extensive damage to homeowners.
Regrettably, the insurance industry routinely denies coverage to homeowners who suffer damage due to flooding and mudslides caused by wildfires. The insurers typically cite flood, mudslide, and earth movement exclusions. Indeed, the insurance industry has been so successful in perpetrating the myth that these losses are not covered that the media and even government authorities have publicly declared that such losses are not covered under homeowner’s policies.
But such coverage denials are wrong and contrary to well-established Arizona law.

We Can Help With Burn Scar Claims

Mr. Guy has been listed in The Best Lawyers in America for Insurance Law since 2009 and Southwest Super Lawyers for Insurance Law since 2011, as well as being named by Best Lawyers as the 2018, 2020, and 2022 Lawyer of the Year in Scottsdale, Arizona in Insurance Law.
If you have experienced significant losses caused by burn scar flooding or mudslides, please contact Steve Guy at The Guy Law Firm to discuss your claim. If we accept your case, there is no fee until we win a recovery for you.
You can restore your home and peace of mind with a little help. We are here to offer it and give you the support you need to successfully recover your losses.